Welcome back to introducing Venn LocalZone™, where we walk you through some of the features and capabilities of our secure remote workspace. We’ve already touched on topics like DLP, private company gateways, remote device monitoring and more, so feel free to check those blogs out! Today we’ll be discussing our partner center, so MSPs, this is for you! Let’s quickly watch a demo below.

Multiple Customer Management Made Easy

Monitoring and ensuring device compliance for a variety of organizations has never been easier for MSPs than with Venn LocalZone. To get started we hop on over to the customer dashboard in our Venn client, where you have access to a centralized device compliance summary that gives an overview of what you need to keep an eye on.

The overall device compliance score is probably the first thing you’ll notice, situated right at the top of the customer dashboard. It shows an overview of the compliance status of all active devices, from all your clients. You can deep dive into individual company device compliance by scrolling down the page, giving you the insights you need to manage devices more effectively. Sorting options based on the column headers allow you to get granular insights on company by company compliance levels.

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The search bar enables you to quickly locate individual customers and understand their exact compliance status. You can easily download auditable data on compliance and device status with the export data tool located in the top right of the customer dashboard.

Simplifying Compliance with Venn LocalZone

Hope you enjoyed this product deep dive into our customer dashboard! We’re always excited to show off the features that make Venn one of the leading secure remote workspaces for both single customer and MSP use. If you want to know more about putting LocalZone to work protecting your endpoint devices drop us a line or book a demo here, looking forward to chatting with you!

Scott Lavery