Venn® Enters 2025 as the Leading Innovator of BYOD Security Technology; Achieves 300% YoY ARR Growth in 2024. Read press release

Venn can save you money while keeping your information safe and secure. Whether you leverage Venn to stop purchasing and shipping laptops for your employees or seek it as a VDI replacement, it ensures both cost reduction and data protection.

Calculate My Savings

To help you calculate the total costs of what you are spending on either VDI or shipping out computers, use this calculator to ensure you’re thinking about all of the hidden costs. To learn what you’ll save if you switch to Venn, book some time with us and we can help you identify your total savings.


Number of Employees

Venn can save you $0 per employee which sums up to $0 a year.

Annual cost per employee Overall
Cost Breakdown Current Cost Cost if you buy 50% less Potential Savings per User Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less
Device cost $200 $100 $100 -
Remote device management cost $700 $450 $250 -
Other security SW costs $300 $150 $150 -
HC for managing other security SW vendors $350 $200 $150 -
Total $1550 $900 $650 -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
Device cost
Current Cost $200
Cost if you buy 50% less $100
Potential Savings per User $100
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
Remote device management cost
Current Cost $700
Cost if you buy 50% less $450
Potential Savings per User $250
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
Other security SW costs
Current Cost $300
Cost if you buy 50% less $150
Potential Savings per User $150
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
HC for managing other security SW vendors
Current Cost $350
Cost if you buy 50% less $200
Potential Savings per User $150
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -
Cost Breakdown
Current Cost $1550
Cost if you buy 50% less $900
Potential Savings per User $650
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Number of Employees

Venn can save you $0 per employee which sums up to $0 a year.

Annual cost per employee Overall
Cost Breakdown Current Cost Cost if you reduce VDI by 70% Potential Savings per User Total Potential Savings if you Reduce VDI by 70%
VDI subscription cost $840 $250 $590 -
MS RDP cost $77 $27 $50 -
Infrastructure cost $300 $100 $200 -
Headcount cost $144 $72 $72 -
Total $1361 $449 $912 -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
VDI subscription cost
Current Cost $840
Cost if you buy 50% less $250
Potential Savings per User $590
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
MS RDP cost
Current Cost $77
Cost if you buy 50% less $27
Potential Savings per User $50
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
Infrastructure cost
Current Cost $300
Cost if you buy 50% less $100
Potential Savings per User $200
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

Annual cost per employee

Cost Breakdown
Headcount cost
Current Cost $144
Cost if you buy 50% less $72
Potential Savings per User $72
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -
Cost Breakdown
Current Cost $1361
Cost if you buy 50% less $449
Potential Savings per User $912
Total Potential Savings if you buy 50% less -

To learn what you’ll save if you switch to Venn, book some time with us and we can help you identify your total savings – click here