Venn® Enters 2025 as the Leading Innovator of BYOD Security Technology; Achieves 300% YoY ARR Growth in 2024. Read press release
Venn’s Blue Border is the industry’s leading virtual desktop alternative for security and compliance-driven organizations. Venn creates a smart, secure perimeter around a user’sÂ
work applications and data.
Venn allows users to work locally the way they want to on the
devices of their choice, from anywhere.
Venn protects work files and data from accidental or malicious
exfiltration, compromise or loss.
Venn separates digital work from personal computing and
ensures employees that their non-work related activities are
not monitored.
Venn is trusted by over 700 companies, including 400 financial services firms such as Fidelity,
Guardian, and Voya.
The client worked with us and were able to leverage our offering into a product they could easily resell.
• 200 – user contract signed
• Eliminated technology silos and security inconsistencies
• Reduced complexity giving users a single login
• Enabled BYOD from anywhere increasing productivity
• Incremental Revenue on new line of business added to offering